Saturday, February 13, 2016

LOVE- THE STATE OF OUR BEING / Valentine day-2016

Hi everyone, hope you are doing and living well with a nice vision and perfect health.

आज सजीव बना लो, प्रेयसि
अपने अधरों का प्याला
भर लो, भर लो, भर लो इनमें 
यौवन-मधुरस की हाला
और लगा मेरे होठों से 
भूल हटाना तुम जाओ
अथक बनूं मैं पीने वाला 
खुले प्रणय की मधुशाला।

                               It is February – the month of love and romance as people says but according to me love is unseasonal. Love is the phase of human being and if it is not, then must be. Every individual has his/her own definition about love & it is based on his/her experiences. Someone says that love is blind but for others love is god. Few thinkers and love guru thinks that love is nothing but hormonal kind of things but if any one want to ask me that what is my thinking about this, I just want to say that when you feel free and happiness in you all the time it is because you are in love. “Are in love” is a beautiful state of our conscience. Love is not the act of doing rather it is for being in it. Relaxing in it. And a lot of thing could be speak but I just want to say feel, feel & only feel. 

Be in love and feel it. Simply feel the moments. Let it be state of your being. Let it shaded on you till the end but in this you will have to be 100% there in this with full of reception & purity and don’t ad your observation in it. Love is not the state of thinking but it is more about feeling. And if you are going on right track you have a great chance to meet with you that who you are actually.
 If you reached the exact point of deep feelings you will realize that you are nothing. Trust me you will find this in deep love feelings. And it is not “zero state” of your being but it is exact “nothing state”. And it is so extreme and supreme that you will surprised before it you were living on periphery. Love and relationship were peripheral before it and you were very far from you.  And here in this moments you will find first time yourself, exact you & then magic will start in your life, whole universe will become your part. Hate, pain, jealousy and irritation will evaporate. And you will become pure and damn! Pure. Then life and your mind will not urge for finding love and happiness but this will become your state and you will explore it directly/ indirectly in all the directions.

Someone said that- " प्रेम जब भी तुम्हें पुकारे तो उसके पीछे चल पड़ो, यद्यपि उसके रास्ते बिहड़ और दुर्गम है, क्योंकि यदि प्रेम तुम्हें राजमुकुट पहना सकता है, तो सलीब पर भी चढ़ा सकता है। वह यदि तुम्हारे विस्तार के लिए है, तो तुम्हें तराशने के लिए भी"|

So if you are ready to be such kind of entity, have a first step and it is – try to be 100% in all acts and don’t forget to read “Absolute Love Letter”- a pure romantic and loving novel by Nitin Yaduvanshi.
Make this valentine most memorable by gifting this novel “Absolute Love Letter” to your love one.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

'Absolute Love Letter'- The best valentine gift

मुहब्बत के पन्नों से यूं बेखबरी अच्छी नहीं 
गुलाबों से होता रहेगा इज़हारे-इश्क कब तलक....
जब कोई अपना करीब आता है... आपका अपना... जो कायनात का सबसे सुंदर गुलाब है... विरला प्रस्फुटन है इस जहां के गुलिस्तां का... जब अहसास पनपता है उसकी छुअन का, तो सांसें ठहर सी जाती होंगी... बढ़ जाती होगी धड़कनें दिल की !! मुहब्बत की तारीख करीब आना भी सोहबत जैसा है। इन रोजों की टिक-टिक शायद वक्त से छोटी पड़ गई है। धड़कने रुकने-सा आलम है ये। वेलेंटाइन आ ही गया समझो...

‘गुलाब’ सरे बाजार बिकने लगे हैं। मगर क्या कभी आपने किसी अपने को वेलेंटाईन पर कोई किताब भेंट की है? हाँ, गुलाब तो किए ही होंगे। लेकिन इस बार दीजिए अपनी मुहब्बत को प्रेम के पन्नों मे लिपटी, मुझ द्वारा लिखित कई अहसासों को एक साथ समेटती किताब 'एब्सॉल्यूट लव लेटर'। वो किताब जिसके आगे बनावटी शब्दों की चमक फीकी पड़ जाती है, कागजों की तमाम मोहब्बतें मिथ्या लगने लगती है।
गुलाबों सी महक छोड़ती एक ऐसी किताब, जो मुस्कुराती है, खिलखिलाती है, समाज के गहरे सत्य का उद्घाटन करती है, और वाकिफ कराती समाज के गर्त में छुपे उस बेपर्दा सच को, जो आज तक पाठकों से मुखातिब होने से लाज महसूस करता रहा। तो दीजिए अपने प्रिय को ये भेंट या कहूं कि एक ऐसा गुलाब जिसकी गहरी खुशबूएं सालों तक जिंदा रहेगी, और मुरझाएगी नहीं कभी ये सुंदर किताब। लॉग इन करें
Amazon link- 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

"Absolute Love Letter"- Epilogue in the form of poem

Hi all readers & beautiful people, I hope you would be doing well in your life. So here I am describing one interesting thing that is about the epilogue of my first "book Absolute Love Letter". When I completed the book I found that there was no any option to put any prologue and epilogue in book because before publishing a number of my friends read this and said that it's awesome, and this "Awesome" word from many mouth was enough for me to move forward and I finished, But after some time I wrote a English poem that and the things in poem was interconnected with the life of Param- protagonist of "Absolute Love Letter" , and by discussing with my editor Devika i added this poem as the epilogue. So here I am posting few part of that poem what became the epilogue of my novel.


   No one - can except me
   Know the depth of my pain,
  They say- I’m happy in the world!
  They never feel the sorrowful rain.
                           No one - can except me
                           Know the depth of my silence,
                          They think I’m blessed a lot!
                         Her memories shed like violence.
No one - can except me
Know the depth of my pang,
They suppose I’m wide-awake!
They never feel scream rang.
                         No one - can except me
                         Know the depth of my moan,
                        They think I’m still blithe!
                        My ‘self’ dead heart has gone.
No one - can except me
Know the depth of my umbrage,
They see shine in my eyes!!
Oh god!! Return my lost courage.
                              No one - can except me
                            Know the depth of voidness,
                            They assume that I’m complete!!
                            Even beset by ugliness.
No one - can except me
Know the depth of my vapidity,
They are tense about my Yearn!!
Who am I – searching for my identity.
 No one - can except me
Know the depth of my mendacity,
I don’t wanna be preacher ‘God’
To burning ego - my necessity.
                           No one - can except me
                          Know the depth of my emptiness,
                          When she broken heart in pieces
                         “Hopes smashed, still hollowness”.
No one - can except me
Know the depth of my whine,
Missing her feather like kisses
“Writing down while getting wine”.
No one - can except me
Know the depth of my morbidity,
They say mine living breathing!!
They never feel my limpidity.
                              No one can - except me
                              Know the depth of my notional world,’
                              Fingers longing to join her hair
                             Lips burnt me- those were curled.
No one can - except me
Know the depth of my vacant mind,
She kicked me- aware for value & images!
Now, how I say that love is blind.
                             No one can - except me
                            Know the depth of my obligation,
                           Nerveness I- trapped in memories
                           Is it called a love progression?
No one can - except me
Know the depth of my perversity
‘Scrolling tears- weeping heart’
“Fuck! Such type of my placidity”.
                             No one can - except me
                             Feel the depth of piteous memory,
                            Those deep hugs- hard osculation
                            “Now breathing tough and temporary”.
 No one can - except me
 Know the depth of my mishap,
How much run? To find love
Leaving like a poor Bishop.
                              No one can - except me
                             Know the depth of my miff,
                             Don’t call obstinate- I’m not
                             I was not who create cliff.
  No one can - except me
  Know the depth of my botheration,
  I’m losing my own entity
  Love is nothing- yes postulation.
                                 No one can - except me
                                 Know the depth of my jeopardy,
                                 Lost courage- lost potency!!
                                 What is love- Pain neo parody.
 No one can - except me
Know the depth of my bereavement,
Counting stars- alone and thirsty
Feeling inside fear- bewilderment.
                         No one can - except me
                         Hear the commotion of my soul,
                        Still coxing to ‘my beloved’
                        Pl come back let’s make browl.
No one can - except me
Feel the depth of my dedication,
You free to say me nonconformist
Hang me pl if broke your contravention.
                      No one can - except me
                      Know the depth of my compulsion,
                     Oh god! Return those crowning moments
                      Lived with her with vertal osculation.
 No one can - except me
Know the depth of my constellation,
I’m wailing- busting like wan chancy
Help me god searching my destination.
No one can – except me
Find out the depth of my comatose,
I’m intoxication by her lips
That worked like an erotic dose.
                                     No one can – except me
                                     Observe the depth of my tarnish,
                                     I’m wondering – like vagrant
                                     Seeking for my beloved like mulish.
No one can – except me
Know the depth of my bewailing,
Tears are my utmost wealth
Yes!! It’s my supreme gaining.
                                    No one can – except me
                                   Know the reason of my bondmanship,
                                  I comprehends you brag about your life
                                  Let her ogle- you will feel outlandship.
 No one can – except me
 Feel the taste of restlessness,
 She is exploring through my being.

 I am desert – nothingness.
fore more-